Long time no blog. In all honesty I just have not had too much to say, so I guess I will just give a quick update on some things here. I'll start with the kids.
Carlos- After talking to his guidance counselor and taking away all his "rights" he has made an improvement. Last week he completed all his assignments, which is a first in a long long time. I am trying to not be too encouraged because I have seen this before. We made a big deal of it all and he does better until he thinks it has blown over. He has a big surprise this time though because I am on the verge of having lots of time to check up on him.
Amber- My girly has a loose tooth. It is literally hanging on by a thread. She just got finished with testing this week in school and she says she did well. She is starting to get homework daily now instead of an assignment on Monday that's due on Friday. She likes tee-ball I think. I am not sure if she is more into hanging out with friends outside of school or the actual sport though. She is just exhausted after she is done playing, which is a good thing for a kid who has a never-ending supply of energy.
Jewel- Foofer is doing great. We started the fish oils again, which I am happy to say she is taking by mouth without us hiding them in anything. We have noticed a huge improvement in her since she started. We see the changes socially mostly. She is more outgoing now and will even talk to stranger, you know please, thank you, etc. They usually have no idea what she is saying but we do so we are thrilled. Speech is coming along as best as we expect it too. We know it is a tall mountain in front of her and will take nothing but time and patience to climb it. We even got her her own purple hairbrush and she is allowing us to brush her hair at least once a day now. I am really pleased. She goes back to the development pediatrician in a few weeks.
John & I- We are more in love with each other every day. Hehehe. Seriously, I am being told I am kind of mean to him, although I don't think so I am going to make a bit of an effort to be a little kinder. I don't want anyone thinking I am like Kate on Jon + Kate plus 8 because she is a witch! Funny story abut my John. We were in some store the other day and the cashier looks up and sees Amber and comments on her. Then she sees Carlos and Jewel and says wow you have 3 of them. John shoots back, "Yes we are starting a collection." I almost died, I had to walk away. Since when is 3 kids so unusual. I know people with 6 or more. Big deal!
Hercules- Herc is our elderly German Shepherd. He was at the vet last week and had some extensive labs done. We were a little worried because when I called for the results I was told a doctor had to call me back. Well we finally were called back and all that seems to be the matter is he has elevated liver enzymes which the doctor said is not all that common in a dog his age. So he is doing well also. Besides the waking us up every half hour or so all night long to go outside to do his business.
I am officially done with all my office time until at least September, when I will decide whether I am able to commit to going back or not. I am not giving up on real estate though and will continue working from home when I can. I am going to miss my adult interaction at the office. I never expected everyone I would meet when I started working at Century 21 would be so awesome. I was told in real estate school to beware of all the sharks, it is a cut throat business, and yes it is a tough business, the people I have met so far have been great. So I guess that's about all here for now. Until next time........
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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