I caught Super Nanny last night. I truly have a love/hate relationship with that show. I am not sure exactly what makes Jo Frost an expert. Does she have any children herself? I am not sure and after this blog I just may be off to find out. In any case, she does have some good ideas and techniques. The way she handles her time outs I agree with. The creative way she makes kids understand certain scenarios, awesome. The way she gives the parents who are blind to their faults what they need to see, priceless.
But what I cannot stand, what I cannot tolerate, what breaks my heart into a zillion little pieces is watching her tell a mother of a one year who is crying to be held, not to hold him, let him tantrum for as long as he needs to, let him cry it out, because it will pass. Well it was something like 16 minutes later and this mother finally picked her baby up and got reprimanded for it. The child was clearly exhausted, needed some love, got it from mama, and mama was scolded for it. What crap.
Miss Know It All Super Nanny told the mother she was picking the baby up because it was the easy way out. She told her she needed to teach the baby what kind of behavior was expected of him when they were out, blah, blah. Bull! This "baby" yes I said BABY was not even 2 years old. Darn, she had me annoyed. Even more annoyed than when she talks down to parents for co-sleeping. It's a personal choice lady. Who cares? Alright if the parent is coming to you for your advice because the co-sleeping is an issue for them, but I have seen her impose her will on people who did not wish to be imposed upon. Just because you call her because you want some help and advice getting your child to better listen or behave in public doesn't mean that you having a family bed is an issue.
Another thing about her that drives me batty is her sticking up signs around the home like it is some sort of facility or institution. It is a home lady. The signs listing the rules, the expectations, that is over kill. A reward board, ok, I can understand that, but the other stuff, that's a bit over the top. Like I said this woman has some points, but I pick and choose what I would like to take from her. Now I am off to google her and see exactly where her expertise comes from anyway.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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