I stumbled across this blog forum and figured I would give it a shot. It seems like the posts are going to be easier to archive than the Myspace blogs are. I have an uber hard time trying to find my older blogs on Myspace which really annoys me. I like to look back at yesterday. It saddens me now to know I have at least 2 years or so of blogs on Myspace now which may just be, well who the heck knows where. I have to find time to find them I guess. I suppose new people will be finding their way to this blog and maybe a few of my friends from Myspace might also make their way over here as well. I welcome you all! I can't make any promises about what you will find here, I do not have the most exciting life, that is for sure. But I do like to write about tib bits of my life so I can look back on it in days to come and remember yesterday. If you enjoy reading cool, if you don't, cool too.
In any case I suppose an introduction is in order. I am Holly. I am the mother of 3 darling children who at times quite honestly can be not so darling. But like all kids they have their good moments and their bad. The good totally outweigh the bad though. My kids are 12, 5, and 4 today actually. My 12 year old is Carlos and a 6th grader. My 5 year old is Amber and a kindergartener. My 4 year old is Julie AKA Jewel and is our school district's disabled preschool program. My husband is John, and quite honestly is probably the best husband in the world but I may be a wee bit biased.
I already blogged today on Myspace so below I will just be pasting what I am copying from my Myspace blog. From this point out though, my blogs here will be original, as I am done blogging on Myspace. I will still be keeping my Myspace page to keep in touch with everyone though, my blogs will just be here now. =)
What a start to April Fool’s Day. If only any of what has happened were a joke. But no it has all been real. Jewel woke up in a beast of a mood. Complained about the pink on pink cupcakes with stars that she "asked" for for school. Refused to wear her I am 4 years old today button or her Birthday Princess headband I bought. Insisted on bringing a baby picture of her to school. Cute, right? Well she just had to bring the one of herself with tubes and wires coming out of her. =( I tried talking her into one of her a little bit older but nope. OK whatever. I get her to school and I have to take her into class literally screaming because she has decided at the last minute she just doesn’t want to go at all. Not that taking her into class screaming is all that unusual, it happens a good 3 out of 5 days a week. OK that’s done I leave the school. Two blocks down the road my phone rings.
Ring, ring. Ring, ring.
Me: Hello.
Nurse: Mrs. S****
Me: Yes
Nurse: I tried to catch you before you left the school, Amber had a little accident, I don’t think she needs stitches, but would you like to come back and take a look at her and decide for yourself.
Me: OK, I will be right there.
Well, long story short she got in the classroom, coat not even off yet and fell, right on her chin. She cut it. She told me she felt like she broke off a piece of her tooth but I see nothing broken in there. Her chin was bleeding quite a bit and I didn’t see the cut itself because it was already bandaged up pretty tightly. Her chin was all red and swollen though. She was so upset, probably super embarrassed, and she told me she wanted to come home. I sat with her a little bit, gave her some hugs, calmed her down and she finally said she would go back to class.
Alright, now if I didn’t think that maybe the phone will be ringing any minute with some other emergency I would be having a drink right now, I really have no qualms with the fact it is 9am.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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