Saturday, June 20, 2009


How does it happen that I go from having a little tick boob, cloth diaper wearing, co-sleeping bundle of "Jewel" to what I saw yesterday. A little young lady among her peers looking like a ray of sunshine. I didn't cry. Nope I didn't. I felt like it, I dressed in all black, it wasn't on purpose, maybe subconsciously. Watching her little mouth contort into all these weird movements as she was trying to sing along with everyone, having that demon named apraxia trying to hold her back and her fiercely telling it to step off was really beautiful.

Next year it is onto kindergarten for Jewel, 2nd grade for Amber, and 8th grade for Carlos. My babies are all growing up. Time has stolen my babies and replaced them with children. I am happy that they are all healthy, happy, creative, brilliant, precious little people, but at the same time I miss my babies.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I love him........

Today marks the anniversary of John and I's wedding. 4 years. Yup, that is a lesser amount of years than our children are old. Yes we did things a bit backwards. Carlos when 5 years old when John & I met. 6 weeks after meeting John, I moved in with him, 2 months after that we were pregnant with Amber. 1 year after that I was pregnant with Jewel. We have been through a lot. Ups, down, twists, turns. But I wouldn't change a single thing, not a moment. I am married to my best friend and that is truly an awesome thing!

Mr & Mrs Simms
We got married in our back yard, and it was GREAT!
Our cake!