Thursday, June 26, 2008

Happy days

Happy Thursday! It's been a good day. The kids haven't been acting nuttier than squirrel poop like usual. I don't think there's been one tantrum today from anyone so far. ::knocks on wood:: I didn't quite get the jump on the laundry this morning like I intended. I went food shopping and to run some errands instead. After the errands I put in a movie totally intending to watch as I folded laundry, but the movie just sort of took over. In Her Shoes. It was a great movie, total chick flick. I am now going to have to read the book to compare, I have to add it to my mile long list I guess. I don't have much to talk about, as you can tell, but just wanted to jump on and say Happy Thursday, but I said that already. Who cares if the sun is not always shining and the birds aren't always chirping? Who cares if your dog woke you up 10 times during the night? Who cares if your dog doesn't stop barking (dogs bark, kids cry yada, yada) well just who cares? Everyone needs to let the little things go (even if that means having some help doing so) and just let life happen. Be happy for what you have and who you are and stuff like that, because that's all that matters. Let the little things GO!

Disclaimer: This blog was not intended toward anyone specifically. Well, maybe it was just a little bit.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy Bibs

Jewel thought my bibs (her word for breasts) needed to be happy. What a little nut! I now also have happy shoulders and a happy belly button too.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Jewel has listen to No One by Alicia Keyes about 6 times now. I was thinking she would like some of the other songs on the CD, but no, just No One. I have to download the Cha Cha Slide too because she loves the song and likes dancing to it. She does pretty darn good too. The picture with this post is of a chicken nugget she got from Wendy's last week. She insisted we keep the "heart."

Monday, June 23, 2008

Don't Know If I Can Do It

I need to somehow muster up the strength, will, and patience to deal with my kids today. All 3 will be home all day because Carlos is not allowed out today after arriving home from a party last night at 10pm, but that's a whole other story. (It was supposed to end at 5pm, so figure it out) I have a whole bunch of errands to run. One of those is taking Carlos to get his summer reading books, he has to read 3. He is mad we are going now. Last summer he could not manage to read even one, but he thinks it is far to early to start his 3. They have all been arguing with each other already, it looks like it will start raining soon so taking them outside to burn off their energy doesn't seem possible. The nerves of steel I am said to have feel more like nerves of a cooked noodle today.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Scott Kalitta

Why do media outlets feel it is necessary to show every single gory detail of some stories? The big story in NJ this weekend is that of A NHRA drag racer that was killed at a local drag strip. Our family actually made our first trip there 2 weeks ago to watch monster trucks and drag races. So anyway our NJ News 12 has decided to play over and over the actual accident including 2 explosions. This man crashed into a wall going over 300 MPH, why not leave the results to one's imagination?

What are they thinking? I suppose the same thing they were thinking a couple years ago when they had a helicopter over the area where 3 young boys were missing and a family member opened a car trunk to find them. Watching this grown man break down as he opened the trunk to see those kids, why, why, did News 12 play this over and over? I will never understand. I will also never forget, it has been one of those images that are forever stuck inside your head. Why are they replaying this accident over and over? Again I do not understand. How about showing some clips of the gentleman's life? Wouldn't that be a bit more appropriate? I say yes. Wouldn't that make the station seem a bit less sleazy? Again I would answer yes. Do you think that the news even mentioned that Scott Kalitta who was 46 years old is leaving behind a wife and two young sons? Well if you answered they probably mentioned it or at least touched on it, you are wrong. Did they mention he raced for over 17 years winning the championship 2 of those years? Nope.

This is all stuff I looked up and found out on mine own, even though I have little interest in racing. Why? Because this man deserves a bit more respect than was shown to him and his family by our local news station. Our news station was not the only one who showed this footage, I understand ESPN did as well, along with some ISP's like AOL. But I have a bone to pick with our news station, because they seem to have an awful habit of this. In any case here is a link to the Kalitta racing site, they have removed everything except a tribute to Scott and an email address to send condolences too. Rest In Peace, Scott I am sure in weeks and months ahead the family will read all those condolences and see how many people gave a moment to say they are sorry for their loss, and maybe their heavy hearts will be lighten a bit.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Links, Links, and more links!

There is a blog I have become addicted to. You can check it out here. I admire this woman. I adore my crock pot, I swear I do, but am not sure if I could cook in it every single day. I have cooked in it the last three days though. I think it may be a record for me. The reason is partly because I am too darn lazy to put it away, so I keep washing it and reusing it.

Today I am making Lemon and Herb CrockPot Roasted Chicken Recipe in it. The picture is of my chicken after it's been cooking an hour or so, it is a bad picture, sorry, but the smell already is awesome! Yesterday I made CrockPot Chocolate Frito Candy Recipe in it. The day before I made ribs in it. I used my own recipe for those though. No, no that's not entirely true, I used ideas my sister gave me. (BTW if you check out my sister's blog, which she rarely updates, comment her and tell her to WRITE, for me pretty please!)

Anyway check out A Year of CrockPotting , it is great and she has lots of nifty links off of her site as well. And if you don't own or never cooked in a crock pot before, DO IT!!!!! You will not be sorry.

Oh one more thing, while I am linking like mad today. Check this out. The Cutest Little Girl Sings! I never watch the show that is from so I do not know how old it is or how she did after she moved on, but isn't she the most darling little girl????

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tilt-A-Whirl Horror

Last night we took the girls to the boardwalk. They had fun, we used the very last ticket as it started pouring rain. The drops were so big and so so cold, but it was fun still. I decided to go on one of the rides with the girls. The Tilt-A-Whirl. This was my favorite ride when I was a kid, my very favorite. I can honestly say that if I never set foot on a Tilt-A-Whirl again I will be happy. I was so extremely dizzy and out of sorts by the second rotation. Amber decided to sit in her own car and occasionally as Jewel and I whipped by her I saw her two hands up in the air, holding onto nothing, having a blast. Jewel was sitting next to me giggling the whole time. Somehow during the sickening circular horror I remembered Jewel has no sense of dizziness. She has very minimal post rotary nystagmus. If she gets spun in circles and quickly stopped her eyes do not shift side to side like the average person's. Spinning does nothing to her, she can be spun in a circle 25 times and walk a straight line, so she was loving this circular stimulation. I on the other hand was wondering if those yummy spare ribs we just finished before we left the house were going to make a reappearance right there on the ride. They did not thank goodness but only because I chomped down on my bottom lip so hard I have a little hole there today.

Anyway the girls had an absolute ball on all the rides, they were pretty upset we didn't play games in the arcade, but that's okay I am sure they are over it by now. It was a really enjoyable night despite the fact I felt sick, even upon waking to let the dog out during the middle of the night. No more Tilt-A-Whirl for my over 30 year old behind!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Advice needed

The last day of school was today as I mentioned earlier this morning. My son, that dear boy, has disappointed me in a huge way. He has managed to get average to below average to failing in all but one of his core classes. ACK!!!! Not due to lack of intelligence (well....), I mean he is a smart kid but he DOES NOT apply himself, he blows off work, he procrastinates. I do not know what to do, I just don't. I have spoken to his teachers in the past, that didn't work. I have spoken with his guidance counselor, that didn't work. I have restricted him until he started showing progress, that worked a wee bit, but not much. I have tried the opposite and said we are starting fresh despite you are not doing well, you will slowly lose things if you do not work to your potential, and that didn't work.

Next year he is starting middle school, a whole new ball game. He is going from a class of 65 6th graders to a class of 400 7th graders, because our middle and high schools are from many townships, not just ours. I have a feeling he will only drift even further. Today when I mentioned he may not be playing sports in the fall because of his grades he seemed a little rattled. Is that all he cares about? Who cares, if it is I will use it, unfortunately I am not sure that will be enough motivation either.

I need advice, ideas, suggestions. What do I do now? School is out for the summer, should he still be on some type of restriction? Do I make him do academic work for me this summer? I just don't know, I am out of ideas. Help! Leave comments, email me, anything. Even criticism, if constructive.

On a proud note he won first place out of all 6th graders in his school for a safety poster contest. He drew a match stick that had legs, arm, and a flaming head that said in a word bubble, "Don't play with me I am dangerous." Also at the promotion ceremony last week, he won the Spanish award, there was only one given out for the whole 6th grade. I was proud, he looked shocked!

Last day

The last day of school is here. The kids have all their end of the year gifts ready. Everyone is dressed except for Jewel who is protesting her clothes as usual. Next year I will only have 2 kids in our school district since my oldest is moving onto middle school. Wowzers I feel OLD! Carlos will now be a 7th grader, Amber will be in 1st, and Jewel will continue with one more year of the disabled preschool program. The end of the year is always bittersweet for me because I won't have to fight these kids to get ready every morning, but I also will be referring a heck of a lot more compared to when they spend most of the day away from each other. Ahhhhhh, summer.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Mistaken Identity

I am a book junkie lately. I have been going through one after another. I am currently reading a heart wrenching book. It is about a horrific car crash and equally horrific circumstances that follow. A survivor's identity is confused with that of a girl who dies in the crash. I am only about half way through the book, so far it is a wonderful read although painful. Knowing that the family by the survivor's side are going to find out that that is not their child, that their child is dead and buried, like I said heart wrenching. But there is a message in this book that I believe is the reason the families wrote it. A message of faith. As I read it I find myself finding comfort in their strength. I find myself jealous of the magnitude of their beliefs. I also find myself never wanting to let my loved one's go, seeing how fast their lives changed, in the blink of the eye essentially, it is a scary thought. If you want to read a bit about the story of what happened you can look here. It is the story from USA Today, you may find yourself recalling this as you read, it did make national headlines at the time. If you want to check out the book, look here.

The only thing I miss about blogging on Myspace is not being able to list the books I am reading so I think you may find me mentioning them here from time to time. Before this current book I read Valerie Bertinelli's book which I have to say was super revealing. It also was a good read.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lonely on my anniversary???? YES!

Happy anniversary to you, Happy anniversary to you, Happy anniversary dear Holly & John......oh wait where is John? That's right still at work at almost 7pm. Lonely me. So I just ordered pizza for the kids and I guess I will read my book until it's time to ready the kids for bed. Who knows when John will get home because he forgot his phone here this morning. So how was my day? I spent the whole day fielding calls on his phone, fun, fun!

Not until this weekend, I seriously had no clue that today was our anniversary. He reminded me, which is bad, because I usually am good with dates like that, but I had no clue. Did he remember this morning though? Nope, I did though, and I didn't say a word so I can use it against him. Hehe!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bad Neighborhood

I am so glad that I live in such an area that my children have no idea of "unsafe." Here is a conversation that occurred today while the girls were sitting at the table waiting for lunch.

Amber: Mom our town is not a good place to live.

Jewel: Yea!

Me: Why do you say that?

Amber: Stuff around here is just so wrong.

Jewel: Yea!

Me: Like what?

Amber: Well first of all look at these nasty birds, that little bird (pointing outside) keeps chasing the big bird.

Jewel: Yea Mama!

Amber: It is just not a safe town to live in here, you know?

Me: hysterically laughing at this point I am unable to speak.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Last night we went to the Monster Truck show!!!! WOW!!! That's all I can say. It was awesome. Not only did we see the monster trucks, we also watched many drag races and a spiral suicide leap by a stunt driver. They also had cartoon characters there, Sponge Bob, Dora, Spiderman, to name a few. All the kids enjoyed it. Especially Jewel, which surprised me. The kids all wore protective head phones through the show so Jewel did a lot of signing to me. She was signing more, more. She was signing about the cars breaking when the trucks drove over them. It was great. Carlos & Amber also seemed to really like the show.

I am so glad start time was at 7pm because by then it cooled down a wee bit and a little breeze came. Yesterday was miserably hot, today and tomorrow will be as well. We didn't get home until after 11 last night which is the latest I have been out in years! Today Carlos is headed to a minor league baseball game with his grandfather and we are headed to the beach. I just wanted to stop in and let you all know if you have the opportunity see a Monster Truck show, GO! I never thought I would be the type of person to not only go see it, be excited by it, and really enjoy it. Surprises never cease.

PS Pictures to be posted soon. I actually took my camera and not just my phone so I have to upload them.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Summer starts now =(

Most consider Memorial Day the official start of summer. To me, summer starts when the heat begins. That is this weekend. We are in for a heat wave. Meaning 3 days over 90. They say it will be near 100 this weekend, they are saying it will be cooler in Miami. UGH. I hate the heat, HATE it with a passion. We will be spending the weekend trying to stay cool.

(In case you are wondering the giraffe crossing sign is something I came across at the zoo. I feel a kinship to the giraffe, and if you know me, you know why. So I decided to just stick it here, because it's my blog and I can.)

Stay cool, stay safe, and live green. =)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Nothing's new here

I have been slacking on blogging, and I have no motivation. But not much is going on here, nothing too interesting anyway. Last weekend we went to an air show and that was awesome. This weekend we are going to a Monster Truck show which is so not like us at all, but are thinking it might be fun. We are also going to hit the beach for the first time this year this weekend. We've been busy, busy with the end of the school year. Carlos especially has a lot going on. Last night was his spring concert, baseball is wrapping up, promotion is next Friday, his 6th grade dance is this Friday. See, busy! So that's about it here.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Carlos finally let me cut his hair! Hooray! Before and after pics are shown, one on Sunday and the other on Monday. What finally convinced him to cut his hair you may wonder? He asked this girl he seems to be pretty fond of how she would like his hair better, and she said short, so he went short. And so it begins. But his hair is cut! =)