Why do media outlets feel it is necessary to show every single gory detail of some stories? The big story in NJ this weekend is that of A NHRA drag racer that was killed at a local drag strip. Our family actually made our first trip there 2 weeks ago to watch monster trucks and drag races. So anyway our NJ News 12 has decided to play over and over the actual accident including 2 explosions. This man crashed into a wall going over 300 MPH, why not leave the results to one's imagination?
What are they thinking? I suppose the same thing they were thinking a couple years ago when they had a helicopter over the area where 3 young boys were missing and a family member opened a car trunk to find them. Watching this grown man break down as he opened the trunk to see those kids, why, why, did News 12 play this over and over? I will never understand. I will also never forget, it has been one of those images that are forever stuck inside your head. Why are they replaying this accident over and over? Again I do not understand. How about showing some clips of the gentleman's life? Wouldn't that be a bit more appropriate? I say yes. Wouldn't that make the station seem a bit less sleazy? Again I would answer yes. Do you think that the news even mentioned that Scott Kalitta who was 46 years old is leaving behind a wife and two young sons? Well if you answered they probably mentioned it or at least touched on it, you are wrong. Did they mention he raced for over 17 years winning the championship 2 of those years? Nope.
This is all stuff I looked up and found out on mine own, even though I have little interest in racing. Why? Because this man deserves a bit more respect than was shown to him and his family by our local news station. Our news station was not the only one who showed this footage, I understand ESPN did as well, along with some ISP's like AOL. But I have a bone to pick with our news station, because they seem to have an awful habit of this. In any case here is a link to the Kalitta racing site, they have removed everything except a tribute to Scott and an email address to send condolences too. Rest In Peace, Scott I am sure in weeks and months ahead the family will read all those condolences and see how many people gave a moment to say they are sorry for their loss, and maybe their heavy hearts will be lighten a bit.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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