Monday, June 23, 2008

Don't Know If I Can Do It

I need to somehow muster up the strength, will, and patience to deal with my kids today. All 3 will be home all day because Carlos is not allowed out today after arriving home from a party last night at 10pm, but that's a whole other story. (It was supposed to end at 5pm, so figure it out) I have a whole bunch of errands to run. One of those is taking Carlos to get his summer reading books, he has to read 3. He is mad we are going now. Last summer he could not manage to read even one, but he thinks it is far to early to start his 3. They have all been arguing with each other already, it looks like it will start raining soon so taking them outside to burn off their energy doesn't seem possible. The nerves of steel I am said to have feel more like nerves of a cooked noodle today.

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