Last night we took the girls to the boardwalk. They had fun, we used the very last ticket as it started pouring rain. The drops were so big and so so cold, but it was fun still. I decided to go on one of the rides with the girls. The Tilt-A-Whirl. This was my favorite ride when I was a kid, my very favorite. I can honestly say that if I never set foot on a Tilt-A-Whirl again I will be happy. I was so extremely dizzy and out of sorts by the second rotation. Amber decided to sit in her own car and occasionally as Jewel and I whipped by her I saw her two hands up in the air, holding onto nothing, having a blast. Jewel was sitting next to me giggling the whole time. Somehow during the sickening circular horror I remembered Jewel has no sense of dizziness. She has very minimal post rotary nystagmus. If she gets spun in circles and quickly stopped her eyes do not shift side to side like the average person's. Spinning does nothing to her, she can be spun in a circle 25 times and walk a straight line, so she was loving this circular stimulation. I on the other hand was wondering if those yummy spare ribs we just finished before we left the house were going to make a reappearance right there on the ride. They did not thank goodness but only because I chomped down on my bottom lip so hard I have a little hole there today.
Anyway the girls had an absolute ball on all the rides, they were pretty upset we didn't play games in the arcade, but that's okay I am sure they are over it by now. It was a really enjoyable night despite the fact I felt sick, even upon waking to let the dog out during the middle of the night. No more Tilt-A-Whirl for my over 30 year old behind!
Anyway the girls had an absolute ball on all the rides, they were pretty upset we didn't play games in the arcade, but that's okay I am sure they are over it by now. It was a really enjoyable night despite the fact I felt sick, even upon waking to let the dog out during the middle of the night. No more Tilt-A-Whirl for my over 30 year old behind!
1 comment:
Your girls are just so cute! :)
Looks like a lot of fun! ~Christa
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