Monday things continues. So the certified letters were nothing huge. I again forgot something, the dog licenses. Surprise. Anyway. Big whoop. Last night I found out I have a huge problem. I have wrinkles. A lot of them. On my face. I do not really know how this happened. I do not smoke, I stay out of the sun. I am disgusted. I gazed in the mirror for a long time which did not help because the more I stared the more I found and I am as I said disgusted. I pride myself on the fact I have not a single gray hair. Not one and at 31 I think that is darn good. But my face has freaking wrinkles, I look like a raisin, and I am disgusted and sad.
Another thing. Every morning after I get John off to work I have about 30-45 minutes to lay back down. I always set my alarm because I will fall asleep. So this morning, the usual routine except the alarm goes off in the middle of a dream. Weird, I was not sleeping all the long. The dream was disturbing, not only because of what it was about, but because it was so real. John and I were driving down a road in Asbury Park, ok so that is not all that real because you will not find me in Asbury. On any given work day John may be in Asbury though. So we are driving and see an older child beating up on 2 younger children who are both clutching a cat. I scream, stop help them and he does. The older boy runs off and the younger boys are beaten up but the cats are really really hurt. One boy runs home, just a few doors down, their dad comes out, the cops come, all I keep hearing is they are not going to make it, we had 3 now we will have none. I was so confused I didn't know if they meant the kids or the cats. I saw no more kids, no more cats, just people every where, cops, that dad crying, saying over and over we are losing all 3. I never left the van, yet I felt like I was in the middle of all this, spinning, I kept looking and couldn't find John. In my head I heard a voice that was saying you shouldn't have told him to help, it is your fault, this confusion, he is gone, they has 3, now they have none, it is your fault, you shouldn't have stopped. I kept spinning in the middle of all this, I kept thinking I never left the van. I was confused, I never felt so lost. Anyway this just went on and on and on, it felt like forever, I was so thankful for my alarm this morning.
After I woke up I called John and I told him not to think I was crazy but don't get involved in anyone fighting and stay away from cats today. He laughed and said ok. Then I said and if you can help it stay out of Asbury today. I felt that was important since in the dream I knew we were in Asbury. He didn't say anything. Then asked why. I said I had a bad feeling about all those things, then he tells me he was in Asbury right then, UGH! But he also said he was leaving soon to go somewhere else. I am sure he thinks I have lost my mind, but what else is new. I usually don't read too much into dreams, but that one was a bit weird.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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