I stopped watching American Idol after Season One or Two. Well the full seasons anyway. I did always manage to watch the auditions, because they were, full of comedy. Did I feel sorry for those people for humiliating themselves in front of millions? Nope not a bit. I mean if you do not realize your singing sounds like the call of a frog on his death lily pad wanting to mate, well than dude that is on you. I will watch and I will laugh and feel no remorse. In any case I watched the auditions this year and got sucked in. I am watching the full season. I am not sure why, maybe because there are rumors swirling this will be Simon's last year as a judge and I am expecting he go out in some grand fashion. Oh I don't know, but I am watching and not only am I watching I am completely involved. My husband has taken to watching me watching instead of watching the TV because I seem to provide more entertainment. I am interacting with the television. This is new for me, and I have to say a little frightening, because I always thought crazy people did this.
And so on with the Idol Chit Chat. Michael Johns is getting old to me. It seems everything he does is the same old same old and while he is ok, he is getting boring, and fast. Carly, is she mad or something? Because seriously her eyes seem to be saying she is, plus I do not like her clothes, ever. I actually liked her during her auditions and though she'd be a favorite of mine, not sure what happened there, but she surely is not. David Cook. I like him. Not my style of music at all, but I do like him, he seems most star like to me, but last night I did not dig the song and all I kept thinking was hey Michael Jackson called and wants his jacket back. Syesha Mercado. I like her too. She is such a pretty girl, she has a great voice, and I am not sure what people do not get about her at all, and have a strong feeling she may go this week. Even when she sings songs that I feel are excellent she gets bad reviews, the song she chooses this week was not a good song, although she sung it well. The girl has talent though. Brooke, hmmmm, she was so emotional this week and I am sure there was a reason why. I felt bad for her. She seems very uncomfortable singing with just a mic and not an instrument too. She did okay, not a huge fan of her music wise, although she personally seems like a lovely person. Not a personality contest though. Kristy Lee Cook. OK she is a very pretty girl, she has the most perfect hair I have ever seen, other than the color. But I DO NOT like her at all. I do not like the way she stands, sings, looks at other contestants, speaks to people. Hmmmmm, other than the way she looks I can't think of a darn thing I like about her. Not at all. She goes this attitude of "I am better than everyone and I know it all and you all know nothing so there." Not a fan of hers. This brings me to Jason Castro. Also not a Jason fan. He seems so goofy to me, don't really care for his voice much, his style, all that jazz. But last night he sung one of my favorite songs ever and usually that is the kiss of death for a contestant for me. Well surprisingly, he rocked it. He did an awesome job of Somewhere over the Rainbow, the rendition by Israel Kamakawkawiwo'ole. The song literally fell out of his mouth as if it were written for him. He did great. Does that one song mean he should stay? Ehhhhh, not so sure. So I have saved the best for last of course. Sweet little David Archuleta. Oh this boy. I truly believe he may win, based on popularity. Is he talented, why of course. Is he the most talents? Based on age, I have to say yes. Is he the most talented there overall, I am not positive. Anyway last night his performance was okay for me, not my favorite, but not his worse either. But I adore this kid and really at this point I doubt he can do anything that would change my mind about him.
Now I have to say something about my love for David and my husband. My husband knows I adore David, every week I go on and on about him, gush about how I want to pinch his cute little cheeks. After David sung and I am staring at the screen with my awww isn't he so sweet eyes on I say to my husband maybe I have a soft spot for him because he overcame speech issues. (For anyone who doesn't know my youngest daughter has speech issues.) My husband looks at me and says of course you do. I ask if he was being sarcastic, he said no, he figured that out when I first said I liked him. Alrighty even I didn't figure that out until recently. After a few minutes I say to my husband I think there is another thing that makes me like him, so he asks what. I say he reminds me of my cousin. My husband said oh I know that. OK, I seriously came to the realization that David reminded me of my cousin like 3 seconds earlier. I mean I suppose all along subconsciously I kind of knew it, but never said to myself oh look at him he reminds
me of Brian. But John knew it, John realized he was a lot like Brian and John knew the reasons why I liked David before I even did. People say all the time so and so knows me better than I know myself. Well I can truly say my husband does know me better than I know myself and sometimes the idea of that is a little bit scary. I personally would like to have a better handle on me than anyone else does. Maybe that says more about me though than it does him?

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