Two things I want to discuss today. First let's start with the awesome news. Jewel had her OT evaluation today. This eval was a long time coming. We were on the waiting list for months. The hospital she goes to is one of the best. It's only downfall is the waiting lists are long. So today was her eval. We don't have the official report in hand yet of course, but I was present for the whole thing and spoke to the therapist and she said she is recommending her for occupational therapy. She has sensory issues. I know this, I always have, but hearing it finally being validated, hearing we are finally going to get help for it is so reliving. I explained how I am on the fence that some of Jewel's issues may be behavioral in nature and she says they very well may be and we will watch and see and if that's the case she can be recommended for behavioral therapy where we as a family can learn to work through her behaviors. I am stoked. Help finally. Regardless of what people would like to believe or not, I do understand it is completely unfair to our other two children that a large portion of our lives revolve around Jewel's attitude and behaviors.
Now the second thing. A fairly unpleasant topic. Is it normal for an ex to be calling you 7 years out of a relationship? I mean yes there is a child involved, but he has nothing to do with this child, at all. Doesn't see him, doesn't speak to him, rarely pays child support, owes arrears over $30,000, doesn't call to talk about his child? I mean really. Crazy much? Not like we had a good relationship. Not like when we did have a relationship he paid all that much attention to me other than to try to control me. He was abusive and controlling. And now 7 years after the fact I get late night phone calls from his drunken babbling ass asking me if I am mad at him, telling me he cares about me, asking if I hate him, telling me he is sorry. Who cares? Not I!!!!! How do I make him stop? I have asked him, even when he was sober to not do this, tell him he sounds like a fool. It sometimes stops for a few weeks then starts all over again. I have considered blocking the phone number, but guess what? Our phone company no longer offers that service, what the hell? He is a 31 year old loser who has a 12 year old who hates him because he never was a father to him, he lives at home with mommy and daddy, doesn't even have a car, and has no job. Wow, I sure knew how to pick them when I was younger huh?
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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