Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wasp Attack

Last night John was home unexpectedly early so we went out to dinner and shopping. Everything was going great, kids were even in good moods. On the way home we made a quick stop. Well it turned into a real frightening experience. Amber who is always told to let us go ahead of her at all times, ventured ahead of us yet again. In doing so she disturbed a fairly large wasp nest. When a few decided to come flying out and see what the disturbance was she came running and screaming towards us and she fell. John swooped her up and swatted one out of her hair which had already stung her arm. The wasp was so large it looked like a carpenter bee. The wasp fly down and must have been really mad because then it flew right back up and stung John as well. Thankfully that one wasp was the only one that came out of the hive that was on the attack.

We were very fortunate looking back, getting away from all this with only 2 stings, it could have been a lot worse. Poor Amber though she was in pain. John too but he of course handled it like a trooper so he wouldn't scare Amber anymore than she was already. So we headed right to the drug store and got some Benadryl just in case and stuck some cold yogurt we just bought on Amber's arm for the swelling. What an evening!

Then this morning I awoke in a foul mood and have to admit it is still here. Not sure why really, just one of those days. Guess my many, many days of playing the woman with nerves made of steel catching up with me. Last night I went to sleep fully planning on attacking this house today, all day. It is a true mess, my laundry issues are out of control again. I do not mind doing the wash, it is the putting away of wash that does me in. I have mountains of clean wash everywhere and chances are it will all be rewashed. So much for my "green-ness."

Tomorrow is a beach day and I am looking forward to just sitting back, reading and relaxing. I am going to fully remember to slather on the sunscreen so we don't have a repeat of my burnt crisp legs from last week though. Hopefully my cranky mood will be gone long before then.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Odd or Not?

So I was tagged some time ago to reveal my oddities. I decided not to do it, because in doing so, well you'd find out I was a bit "odd." Really revealing oddities is spotlighting your life in a way that usually only those closest to you see you. Sometimes not even those close to you know some things. But I decided what the heck and I will reveal a few things that I don't think are too odd, yet odd enough to be considered an oddity.

I love chicken. I can eat it every day if I had to. I don't even mind chicken on a bone, but once I eat that chicken off the bone, it must be covered. I cannot have a carcass on my plate looking me in the face while I eat. Whenever I eat any sort of chicken on a bone I need lots of extra napkins because I will promptly cover the bones. My husband thinks this is extremely odd, and adds a rest in peace ever time I do not. I do not find it particularly amusing.

Water cannot touch my face. I mean like never. If I must have water on my face, say for washing my face, it must be on a cloth or towel of some sort and it cannot be sopping wet, it must be wrung until it's just damp. I do not wash my hair in the shower ever because the risk of getting water on my face is too much. I wash my hair with my head hung over the side of the tub at such an angle no water runs near my face at all. No splashing near me in a pool, no spraying me with a hose, no thank you! I hate water on my face. The tiniest bit makes me feel as if I may drown, absurd I know. Ocean water is the worse.

When sleeping my feet must be covered all the time and no part of my body can hang off the bed at all. Why? It's totally goes back to boogie man fears as a kid. They do live on, even though I am 31 years old.

I have memory issues and have forgot chunks of my life here or there. There is no reason for this, no head injury, no traumatic event, nothing dramatic at all. Just along the way, usually when people mention things from the past, I realize huge amounts of my memories are gone, completely vanished. Yet there are memories I have that I wish I could forget yet they linger on.

I have an awful gag reflex and I can and do vomit at just the though of something. For instance the other day my husband made a sandwich and insisted I try it, he even went as far as cutting a piece off the sandwich to give to me. The problem? It was mainly tomato on it, and well they skeeve me. I vomited. A lot. It's bad. He didn't get why I couldn't try it. I guess I will end it there, although I am sure there is a lot more that is odd to me. I am sure by now you probably have a slightly different opinion of me than you did before reading this. But what the heck is normal anyway???

Monday, July 28, 2008

Progress with Apraxia

For the first time I feel like Jewel is finally making some real progress with her speech. Other people are starting to understand her a bit more, well people she sees with some frequency anyway. We are at a point where we have to correct some of her grammar which is simply amazing because that means we are understanding her. We notice she is starting to use certain words in improper places. This stuff might worry some parents but for us, it is a God send. Amazing stuff. I mean we have a 4 year old who usually speaks unintelligibly. She has been in speech therapy since she was 22 months old, we have been told by doctors and therapists she has one of the most severe cases of true apraxia they have ever worked with, we are prepared for her to continue with speech for years, yes years, to come. So believe me understanding her improper usage of words and incorrect grammar is wonderful! Is she speaking anywhere near where she should be? Oh no not at all, but this is true progress. Spontaneous words are popping out of her little mouth here and there with such clarity that our jaws drop. Looking at each other every time saying did you hear that? Spontaneous words that she doesn't use frequently are her strong point. I know initially it doesn't make sense but trust me to us it makes perfect sense. She hasn't been using those words incorrectly for the last few years so therefore they are not ingrained wrong into her brain.

Jewel continues to be such a trooper, she is an inspiration to me she really is. She may seem at first like an impatient kid but when you put into the equation that she is a 4 year old with lots of things on her mind and she must fight for others to understand even the simplest things you too would start to understand why she is so amazing. She has patience, lots of it, I wish I had even a fraction of her patience. She lives a frustrating life, essentially living in a world where she speaks her own language and tries to make everyone else understand it. I would do anything to take that away from her, the burden of it is unimaginable. So while others may look at her and see a tough kid to deal with, a challenge, spoiled even, I see an amazing little girl who has risen to the challenge that faces her and I am in awe.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Oh the Pain

What do you get when you take your legs that were not covered in sun block to the beach and accidentally fall asleep on your belly while reading, exposing the backs of your legs, areas of your body that rarely ever see sun to the sun for a good amount of time? The answer, tomato red sun burnt legs that nothing seems to soothe. Try sitting on these bad boys, YIKES!!!!!! I am covered in aloe and Solarcane and also taking Tylenol but nothing at all is helping. So much for my awesomely fun day at the beach, huh?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Crappy day

I am having a rather craptacular day. Yesterday I wasn't feeling too hot, but I assumed that it was just the craziness of the previous day wearing on me. Today I feel even worse. I think maybe I might have a bug or something. In any case my charming little daughters are certainly not helping matters. Today they have decided they would show me their creative sides. Amber by unbending about 50 paper clips and scotch taping them all to a piece of paper. Not bad at all. A contained mess. Cheap enough. Usually she is far more disastrous. But Jewel, well she decided she would serve me up a doozy. She colored my desk with a permanent marker, which I am not even sure where in the world it came from as we tend to keep these things well hidden. For the icing on the cake it also seems we are fresh out of Magic Erasers. I did the best I could to free the desk out the horrible marker but you can still see it was colored a bit. John will certainly notice since the majority of it is smack dab in front of where the keyboard sits. I am hoping when I get the Magic Eraser it will take away the rest of the ugliness. My desk is built it made of wanna be Corian material that is fairly light in color so I am really keeping my fingers crossed. I will also cross my toes and hope tomorrow I am feeling better because I want to hit the beach again. Last weekend, even though we spent the majority of the day there on Saturday, I did not have the best of times since I had a lot on my mind. But tomorrow should we go I will be foot loose and fancy free, book and Ipod in tow, and will enjoy a day at the beach the way it should be enjoyed.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Projekt Revolution

Yesterday I had a whole lot of fun and this morning I am a whole lot of tired. Carlos, I, and his friend and his mom went to PROJEKT REVOLUTION. It lasted from 1 in the afternoon until 11 last night. One thing is for certain, I am old. My ears are still humming and it's driving me insane. The main stage didn't open until 5, so until then we watched shows on the Revolution stage which we were very close to. Maybe even a little too close for comfort because once the crowd surfing and pits got a bit wild I got a bit nervous. I told you, I am old! Forgive the crappy picture quality but "Follow the Rules Holly" only had a camera phone and no actual camera. The pictures include the main stage where Linkin Park was, the revolution stage (Atreyu is in that pic), and Chris Cornell in the middle of a dark field under spotlights singing Black Hole Sun.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008


I said when one of "Amber's" sunflowers finally bloomed I would post a pic, well one finally popped rather quickly last week and I took a pic but forgot to post it here. So it's a little bit late but here it is! So far it is the only one. I guess it's an early bloomer, and it is already starting to loose some petals sadly, but we have about 10 more buds that look like they will be ready soon.

My mind is jello

Yesterday John and I went to the hospital to visit my grandmother. For those of you who know me and know the story she is doing better than I expected. There is no taking away from the fact she is very ill, but I expected to see her in a much worse condition. I was glad not to. She is starting therapy today to start working her muscles, especially those weakened by the stroke she had last week on the heels of the heart attack that originally sent her to the hospital. Thankfully she was lots of blood thinners for the heart attack, so her stroke was more of a bleed than a clot, therefore it was not as severe as it could of been if she were not in the hospital when it happened.
She is in a hospital I have never visited. Their parking garage was fairly unique, despite the fact it seemed older than the dirt it was built upon, completely automated. When you enter you took a ticket. And when you entered the main lobby of the hospital there were machines where you stuck this ticket in and it told you how much to pay. You then kept this ticket and stuck it in the machine when leaving. So I thought the signs read to pay upon entering the entering. John disagreed, he said it made no sense you paid upon leaving the hospital. Looking back his way made more sense if they charged by the amount of time you were there, I thought it was a flat rate. Well we went back and forth about when to pay and guess who won?
So we are there for a bit over 3 hours. Get back to the parking garage, get out the stub, work the maze to the exit, stick in my stub. Tells me I owed more money. The catch, it doesn't accept money. I hit the call button, it didn't work. I back up to the next lane, and repeat the process. This time the call button works, and the fuzzy voices says I am sending a guard. I see a car pull up and a guard get out walk over to John's side and ask what the problem was. John explains it and the guard looks shocked. He says wait she paid when she went in and not when you were leaving. Yes answers John, so what do we do know. The guard says I have no idea. Ummmm okay. John asks, hasn't anyone done this before? The guard says, never. Ha! I am the ONLY person who read the signs wrong. Ever? For real? So John and the guard proceed to have quite a laugh at my expense.
The guard at this point looks like a bulb goes off he looks at the ticket and see what time we came, looks at the current time and starts counting how long we spent there and tells us what we owe. First he says we need to go inside and pay again, then he says wait that won't work, then he says to pay him he will let us out. I am thinking, this guy can just let us out and wants a few bucks but at this point I don't give a flying fig because we now have quite a line behind us as well as people passing us in the next lane looking at us like we are idiots. So we pay him he swipes a card and we are free from automated parking garage hell.
Only me, would something like this happen to. I remember there was once a time I was an intelligent person. My mind was not such a bowl of jell-o. I could at the very least follow simple directions that the rest of the general population seemingly have no problems with. I often wonder where that chick went, some days I miss her.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Picture Update

A few pictures, from the last month or so. I finally found the USB cord from Carlos' camera so I finally got the pictures we have taken lately. These are from the aquarium, Carlos' graduation, and one from a trip Carlos took to Philly. I don't have any from Carlos' actual graduation ceremony because I have to edit them since they are all very dark. I will work on them though, better late then never, right? The one of Jewel sitting on the floor is of her and her friend Ana. I love that she has become a little social butterfly, well when she is in a good mood anyway. Enjoy! (If you would like to see us a little larger you can click on the individual pictures.)

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Yesterday Carlos and I decided to go to a few garage sales before the baseball picnic. We had to go to the ATM before doing so. Walking into the store there was a girl about 18 or so walking in as we were scantily clad in only a neon green bikini. Not so uncommon around here since we live in a beachy community, I really thought little of it to be honest. On the way out I gave a couple dollars to a girl about Carlos' age standing there collecting money for some sport, not even sure what, I just felt sorry for her standing out there on a Saturday, in the heat.

So we get in the van and Carlos say whoa that girl was HOT. Oh geez here we go. I say nothing, although I assume he was talking about the girl I just gave the money to. Then he says you saw her right, the girl in the green bikini. I screech, "C-A-R-L-O-S." He asks "what?" I tell him that girl was way older then he was and he says yeah I like them older, and I then tell him to stop talking to me.

We start driving and he says oh I think I see a sign. (Remember we were going to garage sales.) I say I hope you mean a sign from God. He says what do you mean? I said I think you need to go home and start praying or something kid, you are thinking about things far beyond your years and need some guidance. (He is 12 by the way.) He is sitting there cracking up. I tell him I am disappointed that he didn't say the girl was pretty but choose the word hot, I told him I am disappointed he didn't notice the girl his age but the older girl, I went off on a total mommy tangent. In any case we found a couple garage sales and I bought my husband a paper shredder since his died and my sister a few knick knack elephants.

So later on the way to the baseball picnic I tell John about the whole "hot girl" incident and Carlos pipes in from the back seat from the van "Dad you should have seen her she was REAL hot." UGH, the hormones of a 12 year old boy are something this mother is not prepared to deal with.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mary Poppins

Yesterday I scored at the thrift store. I found a cassette. Abba's greatest hits. =) I was telling John about how the Broadway musical Mama Mia was made into a movie and I wanted to go see it when it came out. We got into a discussion about musicals were not his thing, which I knew, about how I had always wanted to see a Broadway show, which he can't understand, he started to ask about Stomp. I told him that I recently heard Mary Poppins was on Broadway and Amber overheard this. Mary Poppins is one of her favorite movies. Suddenly she asks how did Mary Poppins get to Broadway. I had the most hysterical fit of laughter I have had in a long time. I found the question so innocent and yet so funny at the same time then Carlos tells her she used her umbrella to fly there. Amber seemed quite satisfied with the answer.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Last night we were driving in the car. There was a call in radio show on, like a dedication type show, maybe some of you have heard it, the host is Delilah. In any case this man calls in to request a song for his wife and he starts talking about her, how great she is, she wakes up every morning and makes breakfast for him and sees him off to work, takes care of the kids all day, and has a hot meal for them when he gets home and Delilah says wow I feel like I have stepped back into the 1950's. They start talking about how she bakes, wears an apron, stuff that *I do. I see John smirking, I know what he is about to say. And then he says it. Did you hear that, he asks? I lie. No, what. He says, oh nothing you would have had to hear it. I lied because, some people already think I am a bit weird for doing that stuff. John doesn't think I am weird, he actually is proud of the way I am I think. And he thinks I look hot in my apron too by the way.

Anyway I have gotten into this discussion before with some people. And I guess some people think in 2008 it is a bit odd for a wife to tend to a husband like I do. I see it a bit different. He is our provider. He works his butt off for this family day in and day out. If that means I get up at 5am when I do to make him a hot breakfast to start off his day and pack him a great lunch then that is what I am going to do. If we are hanging out watching television and we decide to have a snack I am going to go prepare it. If he needs something I am usually going to be the one to go get it. Does he protest, you bet he does. He doesn't like the fact that I do things for him that he is perfectly capable of doing on his own. But what I do for him is minute in comparison to what he does daily. He has a very physically and mentally demanding job. Then he comes home and what does he do? Does he veg out with a cold one in front of the TV? No way he is a father to his children, he is a husband to me, he is the fixer all of things broken, he is so much I can't even put it into words. So in return I treat him the way he should be treated. Does that make me trapped in a time warp? No. It makes me thankful and appreciative. And in retrospect, I shouldn't have lied and told him I didn't hear what was said yesterday and when he gets home today I will tell him so. I will tell him I appreciate him.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Looky look......

I blog about pretty much everything, wellllll, almost everything. But I did not blog about my attempt at gardening this year because I am awful at it. I kill pretty much everything. My daughter started sunflowers in dixie cups from seeds which are now about 3 feet tall. She claims they are hers but we all know who really takes care of them, I just let her take the credit, you know it's all that lovely part of the mom job. =) But I take full credit for the container tomatoes. They have actually produced something that looks edible. I say looks edible because I sure am not trying it. I am growing them for the simple joy of it and because my husband likes tomatoes which I rarely buy because I forget since they repulse me. In any case I proudly present you an edible enough looking tomato however ugly it may be. My first tomato. I hope to in the next few weeks be showing you *Amber's beautiful blooming sunflowers.


Last night we were shopping in what will remain an undisclosed store due to prejudices against it, so take a guess, LOL. In any case my daughter, Amber, who will be 6 in September sees a little girl she knows and they run to each other and do the whole hug and smiles all around thing. The mother who missed this all because she was getting a cart kind of walked toward us catching the tail end of it and I suppose recognized Amber from school or day care and said to her daughter to say hi to her friend "don't be ignorant like that." I think my jaw hit the floor with an audible thud. Now the word ignorant was one I heard often growing up, it seemed to be a word of choice in the ghetto. There were a few words and phrases of choice. Ignorant, trifling, hoe, yo mama, word, jeepers, switching, those are just a few I can think of off the top of my head at 6am. Anyway when this child's mother said ignorant to her 5 or 6 year old it flooded my mind with memories, not especially good ones.

Amber said her good byes and as we walked away I asked John did you hear all that. I explained it all to him and also explained that the mother did not even give the girl the benefit of the doubt and that when she was away for a good few minutes the girls did speak, but she automatically jumped all over the girl. I really felt bad for the kid. Later I asked Amber what her friend's name was and she told me her name was "V." I had an AHHHH moment, it was all making sense. Amber the same V from daycare last summer? Yes. The same V you told me was so mean all the time? Yes. AHHHHH. Maybe, just maybe, she is so mean all the time because she learned it from Mommy???? Just a thought. The apple never falls far from the tree, learned behavior and all that fun stuff.

Something else also struck me as funny though. Amber and V greeted each other as though they were the best of friends. Girls always did this in my experience. Smiles, hugs, and fakeness all around, face to face. Then the claws came out behind the backs. Amber never ever had a single nice thing to say about this girl. She is mean, I don't like her, she doesn't share, she says nasty things, I won't play with her anymore. Then they see each other and it's sunshine and lace. I was never like that, ever. I was always one who dealt it like I felt it. I guess that's why I was never one with very many girlfriends. I am glad Amber has learned at an early age not to be like I was. Or at least to let bygones be bygones. Having girlfriends is important. You really don't learn that until you don't have very many. Is having girlfriends worth the expense of being a little "fake" sometimes, I don't know, but I struggle with that sometimes.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Webkinz anyone?

I have a slight addiction. It'd say it's a monkey on my back, but in reality it is a cocker spaniel and a mini schnauzer. It's Webkinz. In case you have never heard of it check it out here. I heard about Webkinz sometime ago when some friends of mine were playing it, their kids were playing it, they said it was fun. I kind of dismissed it. At the time I was into Pogo. Well, not sure how Webkinz happened to come into my life, oh wait it was around Valentine's Day when I bought each of my kid's one. But since then it is a bit of an addiction. Until yesterday I just had my mini schnauzer, Johnny Rocket. Yesterday I added the cocker spaniel Muffin. I log into Webkinz daily and do the daily activities and play a few of the games, specifically Lily Padz, Polar Plunge and Quizzy's Word Challenge. I have a very addictive personality and thank goodness my addictions are always innocent ones like this. Tart, cloth diapers, books, magazines, recipes collecting. I heard there are whole Yahoo groups of moms who play Webkinz though so I don't feel all that bad when my husband stands there and shakes his head at me laughing.

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Bomb

Well another day another drama. I have decided I need to rearrange my son's chore list because it seems he cannot complete the one's he is given. They are not hard, I don't think. They are a bit gross, but hey that's all part of having pets. I remember as a kid my mom saying she thought we didn't do a good job at something in a an effort to try to get out of it and as a kid that did not make much sense to me. But now I understand it completely. And I think my son does too. So today I have to rethink his chores, I have to think up chores that he can't so much mess up. I have to make him weekly list and enforce the lists. He is dead set against lists, though I am not sure why, he seriously needs reminders. I refuse to be his daily reminder. I myself have lists to remind myself of things. He feels lists are childish I suppose, if they are I am extremely childish because I have a list for everything, and I do mean everything. This whole thing is a subject I have to approach with caution because this kid is like a one of those little bombs in a cartoon you can kick it all over and just when you think it is a dud and won't explode, BAM, in your face! Oh just wait until he hears we decided he cannot go to Hershey this week with his friend and his family. I am not looking forward to that explosion.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


About five years ago I met a great group of women. These women have been there through thick and thin. I love them like they were sisters. We share with each other some of our most intimate thoughts, our joyous occasions, our losses, our hurt, births, deaths. You name it we have probably gone through it together. Had it not been for these women I probably would never have breastfed my daughter for as long as I did, I probably would never have been introduced to the addictive world of cloth diapering, I probably would parent far different from I do, and I would be lonely. You see they are really some of my bestest friends.

There hasn't always been harmony, we have had our trials and I think maybe it has made us stronger in a sense. We accept each other for who we are, faults included. We seem to understand each other to a degree that is fairly unusually, I think in our situation. See we have never met. Well, scratch that a few of us have, some of us have spoke on the phone here or there. We are scattered throughout the country. We met through message boards when we were pregnant with our babies who are now 4 years old.

I understand a lot of people think this is starnge. Friends with people you have never met, how do you know who they really are, maybe one's a man, etc. People don't get it. That's okay though I have become accustomed to people not understanding, I have realized a lot of people think this is strange, some people think we can't really be true friends. But little do they know there are few truer friends than we are. John, my husband, at first thought this was the strangest thing ever, friends you can't physically go see, Holly you are nuts. But after all these years he has become so used to them being part of my life, he doesn't even question it or bat an eye anymore.

If I won the lottery, literally the very first thing I would do, after someone revived me of course, would be to arrange a meeting for us. I so wish we lived closer to one another so that wouldn't be necessary. I would have this get together and plan for one at least yearly. I want our children to play, bond, grow close like we have. Is that asking for too much, LOL? Each one of us brings a bit of ourselves to the group of us, the dynamic we have is awesome, and I want our families to share that. Now you think I am crazy, huh?

Well, anyway really there is no point to all this except to say I have some of the best friends ever, no I never met them, but they are as real as you are sitting there reading this. Each of the four of them mean the world to me, and I thought I would let everyone know. =)


So yesterday the doctor was a minor success. After being told months ago by a whacked out MA at the doctor's office John's sleep study was totally normal, we found out yesterday that is not entirely true and the doctor wants him to see a lung specialist. In the meantime he is on a medication to help with the fatigue, but we have to see if insurance approves it, otherwise they cost $528 a month.

While at the office I asked John for a magazine to lean on to write a check. I wrote the check and then checked out the mag. To my surprise, there on the cover of a high end fashion mag was a freckle faced model. She was right there-on-the-COVER. Now being freckled I have gone from completely hating them to finally just accepting them, not necessarily loving them though. Society has taught us anything but porcelain clear skin is just not a sign of beauty. Magazines show people who I know have freckles as freckle less. Makeup artists cover them. It's like an erase the ugly movement or something. Past a certain age, I am thinking 10 or so, freckles are just not cute anymore. But hot dog this MODEL had them, and lots of them, on the cover no less.

John goes on his tangent about how he told me freckles look good, blah, blah, blah. I mean, hello, he is my husband, I have freckles, what is he supposed to say. Yeah he wasn't always my husband, of course I had the freckles when we met, why I choose to believe he is only blowing sunshine up my butt about them I am not sure. Anyway I contained my excitement in front of him seeing this model full of freckles. I felt vindicated in a way, like yes freckles can be pretty, and maybe even exotic. I look through the whole magazine taking in every picture of her. Wow, she is really pretty. Now maybe I can do more than just feel okay about my freckles, maybe I can learn to embrace them, dare I say like them. I doubt that all will happen, this chick had far more going on for her than just freckles. She had that perfect model body, beautiful teeth, a nice nose. All things I lack. But none the less it was an awesome moment, a moment I saw freckles not being hidden, something I have tried to do my whole life. How wonderful.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Looking for answers

Well plans have changed. The window is not going to be replaced until tomorrow. They can't get one from the warehouse in time or something like that. No biggie I guess. Today John has a doctors appointment. For years (yes I mean years, no exaggerating) he has not been right. He goes through these bouts of extreme fatigue, muscle aches, inability to stay awake even when driving which scares me lifeless. This all began when he was diagnosed with mono when Amber was a baby, so almost 6 years ago. The effects it seems never fully went away despite the fact they claim his levels are within range, and not active. He has had blood tests (lupus, lymes, thyroid, etc), a sleep study, an EKG. Everything has come back normal. One doctor even suggested he was depressed and put him on medication which after a couple of weeks he stopped taking because of how it was making him feel. My husband who is a big guy literally couldn't stand while taking this medication due to dizziness. Anyway my husband, depressed? No way. (After all he is married to moi. Just kidding of course) He didn't believe it, I didn't believe it. The doctor said he was depressed after learning he was married. Yes that was his diagnosis. We called bullshit!

In any case he has seen at least 3 doctors over the course of these years and only one of them has even listened to him, took him seriously, not dismissed him because he appears to be a healthy 29 year old man. We are seeing that doctor again today, it is our only hope it seems. He is not right, no healthy person falls asleep while driving, no healthy person suffers the way he has for so long. Someone has to help him, he doesn't deserve to feel this way. John thinks it is a waste of time going because no one has helped so far. Please keep your fingers crossed for him. We need answers! He needs to feel well.

July already?!?!?!

Happy July! Time is just flying by, no?

This is how our June ended. A quick trip to Home Depot resulted in a broken window on the truck. I am just glad the kids weren't sitting back there. A couple hundred dollars later and today we will have a new window.