Wednesday, July 2, 2008


So yesterday the doctor was a minor success. After being told months ago by a whacked out MA at the doctor's office John's sleep study was totally normal, we found out yesterday that is not entirely true and the doctor wants him to see a lung specialist. In the meantime he is on a medication to help with the fatigue, but we have to see if insurance approves it, otherwise they cost $528 a month.

While at the office I asked John for a magazine to lean on to write a check. I wrote the check and then checked out the mag. To my surprise, there on the cover of a high end fashion mag was a freckle faced model. She was right there-on-the-COVER. Now being freckled I have gone from completely hating them to finally just accepting them, not necessarily loving them though. Society has taught us anything but porcelain clear skin is just not a sign of beauty. Magazines show people who I know have freckles as freckle less. Makeup artists cover them. It's like an erase the ugly movement or something. Past a certain age, I am thinking 10 or so, freckles are just not cute anymore. But hot dog this MODEL had them, and lots of them, on the cover no less.

John goes on his tangent about how he told me freckles look good, blah, blah, blah. I mean, hello, he is my husband, I have freckles, what is he supposed to say. Yeah he wasn't always my husband, of course I had the freckles when we met, why I choose to believe he is only blowing sunshine up my butt about them I am not sure. Anyway I contained my excitement in front of him seeing this model full of freckles. I felt vindicated in a way, like yes freckles can be pretty, and maybe even exotic. I look through the whole magazine taking in every picture of her. Wow, she is really pretty. Now maybe I can do more than just feel okay about my freckles, maybe I can learn to embrace them, dare I say like them. I doubt that all will happen, this chick had far more going on for her than just freckles. She had that perfect model body, beautiful teeth, a nice nose. All things I lack. But none the less it was an awesome moment, a moment I saw freckles not being hidden, something I have tried to do my whole life. How wonderful.

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