I am having a rather craptacular day. Yesterday I wasn't feeling too hot, but I assumed that it was just the craziness of the previous day wearing on me. Today I feel even worse. I think maybe I might have a bug or something. In any case my charming little daughters are certainly not helping matters. Today they have decided they would show me their creative sides. Amber by unbending about 50 paper clips and scotch taping them all to a piece of paper. Not bad at all. A contained mess. Cheap enough. Usually she is far more disastrous. But Jewel, well she decided she would serve me up a doozy. She colored my desk with a permanent marker, which I am not even sure where in the world it came from as we tend to keep these things well hidden. For the icing on the cake it also seems we are fresh out of Magic Erasers. I did the best I could to free the desk out the horrible marker but you can still see it was colored a bit. John will certainly notice since the majority of it is smack dab in front of where the keyboard sits. I am hoping when I get the Magic Eraser it will take away the rest of the ugliness. My desk is built it made of wanna be Corian material that is fairly light in color so I am really keeping my fingers crossed. I will also cross my toes and hope tomorrow I am feeling better because I want to hit the beach again. Last weekend, even though we spent the majority of the day there on Saturday, I did not have the best of times since I had a lot on my mind. But tomorrow should we go I will be foot loose and fancy free, book and Ipod in tow, and will enjoy a day at the beach the way it should be enjoyed.
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