This is Reagan! He is our new kitty! I wanted a new kitty and today went to the shelter. There were two that caught my eye. A one year old and a ten year old. Now I know the common choice would be the one year old, so I went against the norm and saved 10 year old Reagan who was surrendered about 3 weeks ago with 3 of his brothers and sisters. Reagan also has a brother there, who is currently in isolation on meds for a sneeze, but I don't know. I'll have to see how Reagan works out first and how my loving husband responds. While we were there (my mom came with me) a couple came in looking for their puppy. They were leaving to NY earlier this week when their puppy slipped it's collar and got out of their car and got away. A black puppu at night, no less. They were so excited their puppy was brought in, I was almost in happy tears for them. Unfortunately just getting home they had no cash on them to reclaim their dog. I felt so bad so I paid for them to get their puppy back. It felt so good to do something so nice for people just because and to see them so happy. I just hope in the future they pay the kindness forward.
That was so nice of you!!!
I will have to show my Reagan a picture of your Reagan!!!! LOL. Pretty Kitty. :)
Did I show you pictures of Crackers yet??? (Ethan's cat?)
Congrats on the new kitty!
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