The kids went back to school today and believe me when I say it, I am thrilled. They were getting on each other's nerves so badly, in turn getting on mine. They were all excited about going back so I do not feel that bad sending them on their merry way.
I *think I am going to stop Amber's therapy. She is not just a good match for Amber. They get along great and all but Amber plays her like a fiddle. I tried making it clear from day one Amber needed someone who was a bit firm. Well it didn't happen. I think a large part of Amber's issue was she wanted some of the same attention Jewel was getting and she got it. A lot of what were her problems have gone away, so I just don't know what to do at this point. I also have been meaning to post a video of Jewel talking on Myspace which I haven't done in forever. I think I'll try to get to that this week.
This week I will find out more about Jewel's therapy to train on a device. I have to find out if these devices are rented because if they are, I will gladly rent one and not travel. My van is dying such a slow death and we don't know when it is going to just give out on us. We do have the truck that I will be using but I do not want to travel that far with the truck. I hate driving it.
Today I am really starting to crack down on myself with portion control. I am not going to deprive myself of anything because that does not work for me at all, but I will be very careful about how much I eat. Also I will be working on the Wii Fit daily, now that the kids are gone for some time and I can have a chance with it. I am also going to blog more often, even if I have nothing exciting to say like today. I am going to use this as more of an outlet for me the way I used to when I first started blogging.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
I need to crack down on myself and start Wii'ing every day too. We should check up on each other, LOL
IME, the best way to lose weight is portion control!! When I was pregnant with Owen, I had GD, and I had to see a dietician..and really, all I had to do was keep track of portion size and that kept my blood sugar normal..and I lost a good deal of weight! Good luck!
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