I highly suggest to anyone who frequents WAHM businesses online that they beware of Jennifer Davis of FL. After being her customer for quite some time, I am now in a situation where I stand to loss out on $100+ worth of items that are due me from her. Although her work"mom"ship has always been great, her customer service now leaves very much to be desired. She has always had a slower than normal turn around time, but at this point in time due to the amount of time my order is taking, excuses galore, discrepancies in her emails to me, and a down right nasty attitude I have been forced to file a dispute with PayPal to try to recoup my money. I know of at least a few places she sells at this time.
Mookie Doodle Designs- Make Your Day Smell a Little Sweeter!!
Just Sew Savvy™ Online Shop
I have also been told some information regarding her can be found here as well.
Just beware of who you order from and always always file with PayPal within the time frame for a claim if in doubt. Since outing this WAHM I have been contacted by at least 8 people who are still waiting on something from her, or know of someone who is waiting on something. It seems Jennifer likes to try to get by with printing PayPal shipping labels far in advance of mailing packages if she mails them at all. In the past there have also been a question of her holding a raffle for a mama who sadly lost a child and then never sending the proceeds from the raffle to that mama. Some other very gracious person stepped up and sent that mama what the proceeds were and whether or not she was every reimbursed by Jennifer I have no idea.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
No Jen never did pay back Jaime for the raffle proceeds in which she stole.
She gave some BS story about how it was lost in the mail and she couldn't find the receipt for the money order because they had recently moved.
Then in some odd twist an anonymous AOL board person stepped in and repaid the debt to jaime for her in return for a store credit in the same amount.
Why anyone would do business with someone after that is beyond me. Her integrity speaks for itself, yet she still has people that stick up for her on the AOL boards.
Sorry she is scamming you too hon.
Enjoying your blog.
She has multiple reports filed on her at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JuicyAppleReport/ too.
I also am having major issues with this woman and she tried to file a Paypal dispute on me this morning.
Thankfully I'm protected because it's been two months since the transaction. Just excuse after excuse from her.
Very disenchanted and decided to google her business name and found this. Pretty funny.
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