So I bought instant pudding today made pudding pie, the right way. See Jewel's messy little face? The girls loved it. They so far are the only one's who ate it. Because Carlos is not home, John is working, and I am ready for this, sit down, not hungry! My meds are working for me again, praise God!
I have been a total blog drop out so I figure I should do an update on us and everything here.
Carlos is done with cross country. He finished the countys 40th out of 98 boys, which I find impressive since this was his first year running ever. He ran the 1.5 mile in 10:45, which was not even his best time all year but still great! He starts wrestling in a couple weeks. Middle school is agreeing with him. His grades are up, his moral is up, school pride is high, he is in shape (not like he wasn't before, just in better shape), and he just seems to be doing well overall.
Amber is adjusting to 1st grade well. She is excelling in math, and finding herself weak in reading and language arts. Thankfully they are putting her in basic skills. We are hoping by January this helps, if not we will be looking at other ways to intervene. I am going to have to seriously consider home schooling her though should things not turn around after all options are exhausted though. She is the type of child who need serious one on one, no distraction type of instruction. We shall see what the next few months brings us. We are also working on her other issues, that seems to be going well so far. We have her understanding there are issues there, but have to get her to believe she wants to overcome these things before we can start really battling them. In her mind she likes things the way they are. I guess accepting the way things are seems a better alternative to fighting to change them, she knows it will be hard.
Jewel's speech is exploding. That said compared to her peers she is still so far behind and she is still unintelligible a large portion of the time to people who are unfamiliar with her. Her social skills are blooming though and we really could not be more proud about that! The girls had their Halloween party last night and Jewel partied! This girl really danced the night away. She interacted with other kids, kept up with her peers (even older ones), and really just enjoyed herself. We are really just happy her delays are not "delaying" her. She got her medi-alert bracelet last week and is absolutely over the moon about it, it really is very pretty.
John & I are well..... John & I. He works, I stay home, things are the same. The economy sucks, things look so so grim, the whole political situation is depressing. Who knows what the future holds. Things are a-okay here for now though. I totally planned on going back to real estate in Sept of next year when Jewels started kindergarten, but I am not even sure with all the forecasts I am hearing that would be wise. I am thinking of getting a regular 9-5 then for a year or so where I will be guaranteed a paycheck from week to week. I hear all sorts of things like they don't expect the housing market to make a comeback for 2 years, others say 5 years, who knows. I guess I will wait until the time gets closer. I hate the unknown. Career wise, lots of things are sitting on the edge right now, not just for me. Such is life though.
I have been a total blog drop out so I figure I should do an update on us and everything here.
Carlos is done with cross country. He finished the countys 40th out of 98 boys, which I find impressive since this was his first year running ever. He ran the 1.5 mile in 10:45, which was not even his best time all year but still great! He starts wrestling in a couple weeks. Middle school is agreeing with him. His grades are up, his moral is up, school pride is high, he is in shape (not like he wasn't before, just in better shape), and he just seems to be doing well overall.
Amber is adjusting to 1st grade well. She is excelling in math, and finding herself weak in reading and language arts. Thankfully they are putting her in basic skills. We are hoping by January this helps, if not we will be looking at other ways to intervene. I am going to have to seriously consider home schooling her though should things not turn around after all options are exhausted though. She is the type of child who need serious one on one, no distraction type of instruction. We shall see what the next few months brings us. We are also working on her other issues, that seems to be going well so far. We have her understanding there are issues there, but have to get her to believe she wants to overcome these things before we can start really battling them. In her mind she likes things the way they are. I guess accepting the way things are seems a better alternative to fighting to change them, she knows it will be hard.
Jewel's speech is exploding. That said compared to her peers she is still so far behind and she is still unintelligible a large portion of the time to people who are unfamiliar with her. Her social skills are blooming though and we really could not be more proud about that! The girls had their Halloween party last night and Jewel partied! This girl really danced the night away. She interacted with other kids, kept up with her peers (even older ones), and really just enjoyed herself. We are really just happy her delays are not "delaying" her. She got her medi-alert bracelet last week and is absolutely over the moon about it, it really is very pretty.
John & I are well..... John & I. He works, I stay home, things are the same. The economy sucks, things look so so grim, the whole political situation is depressing. Who knows what the future holds. Things are a-okay here for now though. I totally planned on going back to real estate in Sept of next year when Jewels started kindergarten, but I am not even sure with all the forecasts I am hearing that would be wise. I am thinking of getting a regular 9-5 then for a year or so where I will be guaranteed a paycheck from week to week. I hear all sorts of things like they don't expect the housing market to make a comeback for 2 years, others say 5 years, who knows. I guess I will wait until the time gets closer. I hate the unknown. Career wise, lots of things are sitting on the edge right now, not just for me. Such is life though.
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