UGH. During last night's debate he mentioned over and over no one knows autism like Sarah Palin. Hello McFly her son has Downs Syndrome, not autism. They are not freaking interchangeable. Every time he said it I cringed. Why no one called him out on the fact he made such an error and sat there looking like he knew very little about Palin shocked me.
On the same subject, it disgusts me that the McCain-Palin campaign are really playing up the whole we are "pro" special needs children. Bull! Are most people aware before Trig, Palin's son who has Downs, was born she cut funding for special needs in her state by up to 50%? They are not for special needs children at all, Governor Palin happens to have a special needs child, who by the way is what 5 months old and sees his mother how much?
McCain also commented last night that Palin is a role model for all women. Cements my belief he only choose her because she is a woman and he is looking for that female vote. To him there is no difference between Clinton and Palin and he forged ahead with her thinking he would capture all of Clinton's votes simply because both politicians have a vagina. WRONGO!!!!! Give women a little credit Senator McCain. By the way Palin is far from my role model.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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