I actually have quite a bit to say today. Let's start with some news on the home front. Last night Carlos did not call me to pick him up from school until 11pm. Yup you read that right 11pm. He left for school at 7am. Unreal, huh? The reason was his wrestling team made it to county's. So the tournament went on forever. But my little wrestler came in 3rd for all of our county in his weight class. Pretty darn good for a first year wrestler. He has also finally decided on spring sprts. For the first time in 8 years he is not playing baseball for our town, he is going to do track and field for the school. I am glad for 2 reasons, one school sports do not require a registration fee (yeah I am cheap) and also because I think he really found his groove with the sports he has been involved in this school year. In fall he ran cross country and winter he wrestled.
Our house is still fighting the sickies. Amber is back in school after a bout of strep and seems to be on the road to wellness. Jewel on the other hand picked up the sickness a bit later and a different strain and after attending yesterday after two days out I am keeping her home again today for a nasty cough that isn't letting up. John also has a nasty cold, and a bum knee from a work injury a year ago. Me, well I never got to the eye doctor so my daily headaches are practically debilitating at this point and then I woke up this morning with some sort of problem with my foot. It radiates from below my ankle bone down into my toes if I put any weight on my heel so I have been tip toeing all morning. Carlos is healthy as usual.
About 20 minutes after Amber leaves for school this morning the school nurse calls me. Amber fell some time between getting off the bus and walking into the front door of the school. On ice! We had a storm 2 days ago, why is there still ice there. I am mad. I mean seriously you have a school full of children you cannot clean the sidewalk (which is all of maybe 200 feet) and salt it. I am really annoyed. Evidently Amber tore up her knees, and I assume her pants as well. Really could have been totally avoided but whatever.
OK so that's pretty much it here I guess, but I just need to comment on a few stories in the media lately. Michael Phelps smoking a bong. Yeah and? Really, come on who hasn't, right? (I actually never have but still, lol) He is a 23 year old kid! Kids do this. I think after spending almost his entire life in such a strict structured setting full of practices and meets the kid blew off a little steam. I do not get the fuss at all. Not like he was smoking crack or heroin.
Another thing, the big deal that is being made of Jessica Simpson's weight. Give me a break. OK maybe by celebrities standards she is heavy, but if you compare her weight to real life women, she is still a freaking rail. Yes the outfit was unflattering, which makes me think that her "weight" has more to with what she was wearing accentuated it. I have yet to see her heavy in any other outfit. Really is she? I doubt it and if she is, so what. There was a time long long ago where thin was seen as a sign of being poor, think pheasants. Heavy was a sign you had money, look at kings in the past. Alright that vent is over onto the next.
The octuplet mom. Who the heck cares? I do not. Was how she got pregnant irresponsible? Yup. (But there are lots of women who get pregnant under less then ideal circumstances whether they be financial or medical that could be called irresponsible as well) Was the doctor who implanted her wrong? Yup. (Do no harm, yes that is a doctor's oath. But do doctors who perform cosmetic surgery after cosmetic surgery for vanity reasons really live up to that oath, do doctors who do c-sections for convenience?) Who cares? Not me, not even a little. Is it amazing she carried 8 babies during one pregnancy, sure it is. But who are we to judge the whole situation though? What I find completely ironic is the people who seem to be judging her the harshest are women who have had fertility treatments themselves, which I just do not understand, but at the same time I suppose I cannot since I have never gone through what they have.
Yeah so today I had a lot to say, but now I am done. And if in the process I offended anyone I apologize, but my blog, my opinions. I really have a lot to do around the house but am having a hard time finding the will to with this headache. I plan on making stuffed peppers for dinner tonight, mopping the kitchen floor with the nifty new mop I bought on Monday, and cleaning the girls' rooms. But before all that I will go grab some Excedrin and try to wipe out this headache while watching what else The View. That'll help, huh?
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Congrats on Carlos' win!! Hope everyone feels better soon.
I agree with everything you said! Congrats to Carlos and I hope everyone feels better!
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