What a night. The cats went from semi getting a long (well it's Tiger who has the issue with Reagan, Reagan wants Tiger to like him) to Tiger growling like, well a tiger at Reagan. We slept with our bedroom door open because at bedtime Reagan decided to do what anyone does at bedtime, get in our bed. Tiger usually sleeps on the end of the couch. So for most of the night I had Tiger sleeping to the right of my feet and Reagan to the left of my feet, they were literally only 2 feet apart. OK so they were not sleeping they were laying there eye balling each other the entire time but it was progress. Then about 5am Tiger decided it would be fun to scare the crap out of Reagan and did one of her Tiger growls and Reagan went fleeing under the bed and just came out now at 10am looking at me like he really wanted something. Hmmmm, maybe he is accustomed to canned food, we did see them getting ready to feed them some canned food yesterday at the shelter. I do have a few cans, even though I don't feed them to Tiger. So I open a can and grab 2 small bowls from the kitchen and split the can up and now both cats are eating what looks like vomit and scrambled eggs, yummy. So I guess Reagan is a canned food eater which is cool, we can do cans, and it looks like Tiger wants in on the whole canned food bit.
John is not thrilled about the cat, but then again he wasn't thrilled about Cody or Edie or Tiger or Sandy come to think of it. Speaking of Sandy, the hamster AKA Little Guy, Reagan is a bit obsessed with him. We had to out a super sized dictionary on his cage lid because Reagan actually tried popping the lid off. All in all though for Reagan being here for less then 24 hours and coming into a home with 2 dogs, a cat, and a hamster he seems to be adjusting very well. As far as going back for Reagan's brother, I think even though my Johnny is a loving patient husband I might be pushing my luck. I really hope someone goes and adopts him though because if he is anything like Reagan he would make an awesome pet.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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