I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and the New Year brings everyone lots of happiness, health, and good fortune, I think we all need that. We had a great Christmas. The wonder of seeing the kids see all the gifts under the tree and wonder what in the world they did to deserve that all (they didn't, lol), spending time with family without being rushed or hurried as usual, reminiscing of the Christmases past. I think back to childhood and remember the toys I played with as a kid and how toys have evolved. Then there are toys that have withstood the test of time and my kids play with very similar if not the same versions now 20, 25, 30 years later. Wow I am old enough to say 30 years later, makes me SAD! In any case I spent this morning looking through a toy site of the 80's. So many things were familiar and brought back such great memories. There are a few toys that I can't seem to find anywhere and do not even recall the name of though, I guess those senior moments happen in your 30's too. Anyway here is a list of some toys and games that I remember as a kid.
Dolly Pops
Don't Tip the Waiter
Pound Puppies
Skip It (I still see these from time to time)
Etch-A-Sketch (timeless)
Snap bracelets (now against the law in many states)
Cabbage Patch Dolls (My 1st was a preemie names Stacey Liza and my 2nd was a Yankee played named Freddie Foster)
Trouble (timeless, my kids love it)
My Dog Has Fleas
Glo-Worm (I bought one this year for someone)
Whoopsie (she was one of my favorite dolls)
Baby Skates (another favorite doll)
Pogo Ball
Lite Brite (my daughter got one this year, a little different then the original)
Hi Ho Cherry-Oh (a favorite game here)
Knickerbocker Annie figurines and vehicles
Viewmaster (timeless)
Simon (they still sell this too)
Easy Bake Oven (I LOVED this)
I also had a penguin who was used at bath time. He suction cupped onto the side of the tub and his hat came off to reveal a hollow body. You used his hat to pour water into his head which drained down through his body making his wings flap. I loved this toy, it was a bath time favorite and I cannot remember his name although I picture his vividly, he was navy blue and his hat was orange or yellow. He had a beak that may have even moved too. Anyone remember what his name was? What were your favorite toys?
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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