We all remember Jessica Simpson's famous moment of not knowing if Chicken of The Sea was tuna or chicken, right? Well my darling little Carlos had a Jessica moment tonight at Applebee's. See Carlos has got to be one of the pickiest eaters you ever will encounter so I was sort of surprised when he asked for an appetizer of boneless buffalo wings. While eating them the conversation went something to this:
Carlos: So what are these chicken wings made of?
Us: What??? (imagine our puzzled looks)
Carlos: Well are they buffalo or chicken?
Us: Huh? (starting to seriously think he couldn't have gotten on honor roll on his own right?)
Carlos: Well they are buffalo.
Me: Actually they are mostly unicorn.
Carlos: Why do they call them buffalo.
Me: Hamburgers come from a ham.
Do buffalo's have wings? Did he really think he wasn't eating chicken but buffalo. He claims he knew all along it was *really chicken, he just didn't know why they were called buffalo. Yes Carlos and ditzy Jessica knew she was eating tuna not chicken.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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