Goodbyes are hard. But I have learned through my pets sometimes goodbyes break your heart as well. It became time to say goodbye to Reagan recently. Maybe some of you will remember Meet Reagan. Reagan was a very special cat. He purred so loud. Loved laser lights. Loved crawling under covers and napping. Loved trying to knock a book out of my hands when I was reading and not paying attention to him. Loved sitting in front of the fish tank trying to catch the fish through the glass. Reagan was just plain and simply loved! Surprisingly the people at the shelter remembered him a year later. He was that special.
Being honest with myself for a moment I am not sure if I ever want another pet. (Yes we still have 2 dogs and another cat) Having pets means letting go, and it hurts, A LOT! Watching my kid's sadness is probably the hardest part. Amber takes it all especially hard. I don't know.
Goodbye Reagan, we loved you, I knew what we were up against when I adopted you as an older cat at the shelter and I just hope we hope we gave you an awesome last year of your life.