Alright so it’s been a minute since I checked in but life is busy and then there are naps to be taken. So forgive me, or don’t. That’s okay too. It’s just been I don’t really think about this blog if I don’t have a lot to say. Lately I find I have a lot to say. And now I will damned if I didn’t sit down here to let it all loss and I lost it.
So what’s going on? School (it‘s way harder than I ever expected), working in the student clinic (I hate hate hate the supervisor), doing my husband’s business’ paperwork (this is our business and how we make money so I am just complaining about work, shocker), kids (who are all doing excellent), the hubby (who I love today more than yesterday), trying to keep up with housework (okay that’s a lie), and just trying to stay sane (full-time job).
I am on Facebook a lot. Too much. After swearing I would not join Farmville, I did and quickly became addicted. Not cool cause I sit here planting virtual plants on my computer as my real seedlings we started are getting too big for their mini-greenhouse and really need to be planted outside. So instead now I sit here blogging. I should be studying, since I have a test tonight, clinic tomorrow, class this weekend, and 2 more tests next week, as well as 2 make up tests. Lovely.
Lately I find myself being short of patience and full of stress, which reminds me, I have been slacking with my meds and really need to try to start remember. My blood pressure is probably through the roof right now. Amazing how us mothers remember our kids meds, never missing a dose. I lay out my husband’s meds every morning with his breakfast that I get up at 5am to make him. But me? Well, I always find an excuse. I need to stop because if I don’t put me first sometimes, I will not be here to put them first ever.
Anyway I guess I really do need to get my butt in gear so I will keep this short and just try to return more often. If I happen to remember my rants and raves I will try to remember to hop on and let loose instead of posting status updates 5 times in an hour and Facebook and really pissing people off.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago