I had a meeting earlier this week regarding Amber. This was a meeting with a team at the school to decide what measures we should take with Amber and her reading skills. They suggested we have her evaluated by a neurologist to rule out any learning disorders before we proceed. The first few phone calls I made trying to schedule an appointment were very discouraging. The only pedi nuero our insurance company suggested was not even scheduling appointments since she was booked for the next 5 months solid, but taking names for a waiting list. So I ventured off using my own resources looking for someone to take her. My second phone call proved to be successful. Not only do they see children, and accept our insurance, they are booking new patients in mid May. YES! Less then a 2 month wait. And our insurance company did not even mention this practice to me at all. Nice, huh? Don't get me started on my opinion of insurance companies. So this begins the lengthy process of figuring out how we can best serve Amber and teach her in a way she can best learn.
John and I did tell her there is a possibility she may have to repeat 1st grade again and she took it surprisingly well. She knows she is struggling a bit. John and I have talked a lot about this though and we understand 2nd grade only gets harder but we do not think her relearning the same things over again in 1st grade next year will benefit her at all, and I made the team aware of our opinion on the matter. So hopefully they will take what we say into consideration when making the final decision.
On a lighter note, today is National Make Your Own Holiday Day. Silly, huh? My holiday? National Nap Day! So what's yours?
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago