I am back. I was without any internet access for a week because Verizon stinks, but that is a whole other story. Let's see where to start. Jewel is now also receiving a one hour session of occupational therapy a week though the hospital. She has some auditory and tactile issues which we have been aware of for quite a while. Their main goal is going to be grooming and dressing. My littlest dainty daughter likes to go commando it seems because her panties bother her something terrible, but this is just not acceptable at all. Her little behind is always getting a contact rash from being bare against her pants. Not good! On a super positive note, the school has reviewed her augmentative communication device evaluation and it seems there are very seriously considering implementing it into her IEP which means they will be purchasing it! This is huge since out insurance plan does not cover durable medical equipment of educational technology devices. I have also been referred to sign up with the DDD for Jewel. They provide lots of great things for families of children with developmental disabilities, *if the money is available. I am going to push for her to receive hippotherapy which I think she would really love and benefit from.
I have reduced Amber's therapy from every week to every other week. She seems to really enjoy speaking to a neutral party in a neutral setting. She is still struggling with school a bit but I have noticed that her reading skills are improving. Lately I am a bit concerned about her self esteem as some things have come up with her peers that leaves her pretty darn upset. It is completely heartbreaking to see your child made so sad by their *friends.
Carlos' wrestling season is winding down, and it may be bad to say, but thank God! Between his wrestling for the school team, the township team, running back and forth to practice on weekends, in addition to all our appointments during the week for other things I am just beat. Carlos again seems to be slacking off with his homework and although he plans on running track this spring I am not so sure his grades will allow unless he pulls them up and quick.
I have decided, I think, for the time being I am going to return to home health care. Yup something I swore I would never do. Heck I may start and see I can't still do it. I hate working in the home setting, hate it. I know this is not the right thing to say but I totally preferred the conveyor belt setting of long term care and critical care at the hospital. No time to get to know a patient personal which kept me at a comfortable distance. But you got to do what you got to do I guess. Right now it looks like the housing market is a pipe dream. I am going to maintain my real estate license of course, and return in September of this year when day care is not an issue since all the kids will be in school a full day. But in the meantime I need to make a few bucks and going back to my "roots" seems to be the best idea. Work the hours I desire is very important right now.
So anyway that's about it update wise for me. Everything else is the same ole' same ole'. I promise to try to blog more often.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago